Per AAHP Standard Operating Procedure 2.1.1, Review of Appeals, appeals may be filed with the Executive Director by any individual who is denied:
- Eligibility for any part of the examination,
- Part I or Part II passing, or
- Certification for any reason.
Appellants who wish to appeal a decision of the Board should file an appeal with the Executive Director within six months of notification of such Board decision. Appeals must specify the reason(s) the Appellant believes the Board decision deviated from the Board's policies and procedures. The Appeals Committee shall report its findings to the Appellant, the ABHP Chair, the AAHP President, and the Executive Director.
Applicants for certification by the ABHP agree to be bound by the Bylaws of the AAHP and further agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the AAHP, the ABHP, their employees, and all Certified Health Physicists who participate in the certification process. Any and all personal expenses of Appellants incurred during the appeal process are the responsibility of the Appellant.