American Board of Health Physics
CHP Candidates:
The application for the 2023 exams closed January 15.
The ABHP grants professional certification in the field of Health Physics. The ABHP Certification Process is accredited by the Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards.
This site contains information for both prospective and current Certified Health Physicists (CHPs) regarding the certification process and maintenance of certification.
A History of the Board and the current requirements for certification are contained in the Prospectus.
Becoming a CHP also qualifies an individual for membership in the American Academy of Health Physics.
This site contains information on the current membership of the Board and of the two Panels of Examiners.
Inquiries regarding the Board can be directed to the Secretariat.
Candidates for Certification should become familiar with the information contained in the Examination Preparation Guide. Links to the application form will be available at the bottom of this page
Since 1989, the Board has annually recognized an individual for contributions to Certification and the Advancement of Professionalism in Health Physics. The citations for these awards are located on this site.
For the Part II Exam, candidates who fail to receive a minimum of 300 points (out of 700 available) will not be permitted to take the Part II exam in the following year. This requirement does not apply to candidates in their sixth and final year of eligibility since passing the Part I exam.
Applications must be submitted online ( Application materials are due by January 15 for the exams given in that year.
All applications must be submitted online ( . Transcripts must be mailed to the Secretariat and postmarked by January 15. All application information must be completed and submitted by January 15 for the exams given in that year.
The Part I is administered through testing centers worldwide. Further, it will be administered prior to the Part II examination. All confirmed candidates for Part I will be contacted by the Secretariat with details on test administration.