January 15 |
Deadline for candidates to mail application for examination |
Late January |
Plaques and pins mailed to new CHPs |
January/February |
AAHP Executive Committee meets |
March 1 |
Nominations due for William McAdams Outstanding Service Award, Joyce P. Davis Memorial Award, and Nancy K. Johnson National Service Award |
Late March |
Acceptance letters mailed to examination candidates |
Late March/Early April |
AAHP election ballots available (online/mailed) |
Late April |
Recertification packets sent to CHPs who are due for recertification |
Late May/Early June |
Entrance slips and final information sent to exam candidates |
June/July |
Certification exam is given on the Monday of the HPS Annual Meeting
ABHP Board of Directors meets
AAHP Executive Committee meets
AAHP Open Meeting is held
AAHP and ABHP Awards presented at AAHP Awards Luncheon |
September |
Certification maintenance fee notices are sent |
November |
ABHP Board of Directors and Part I Panel meets |
Late November |
ABHP certification examination results are posted |